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miércoles, 27 de julio de 2011


 Paraphernalia from Sabrina Cotugno on Vimeo.

Now, read these questions and discuss them with your classmate:

Why is she all alone?
it look´s like she is a orpham..!! or maybe her parents get divorced and forgot her..!!
Where are her family?
dead..??? or maybe they are too busy to to take care of her
Where was the gentleman heading?
he went to travel arround the world
Why did he crash?
because he is a bad driver..!! or maybe the machine is that new that nobody knows how to driver
Why had he invented such a wonderful flying machine?
to trevel arround the world and to know new places
What are your thought about the name of the short film?
it's cool.!! unussual..!!
Do you like the ending..??

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